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Forum: AF Development & Design
Thread: For Peter & Doug : Question about voting contest!
Post by: JEED(103136)
2005-11-07 07:12:15
How can Adventure Fame participate also in voting contests?!
I think the most proper sites are those where u can vote every hour!
It would be wonderful to win more AP by voting and winning a voting contest!
Why just WOV ?
Why not AF also!
125 AP would be great!!!
And maybe we can convice a lot of people to vote when we talk in the chat!
Thanx for attention and for the answer that I think I'll receive it soon... :)
Post by: Doug the Designer(55)
2005-11-10 02:47:45
It's not worth the effort.
Post by: JEED(103136)
2005-11-11 22:36:05
Today, 11.11.2005

Adventures fames is ranked:

http://www.igarchive.com/ rank 3 ( votes 93 )

games.plit.dk rank 3 ( votes 1136 )

http://tuagamers.gotop100.com rank 4 ( votes 33 )

www.gametrafficexchange.com/ rank 4 ( votes 156 )

games.dotm-enterprises.com rank 6 ( votes 216 )

http://www.gamesites100.net/ rank 6 ( votes 131 )

http://www.topgamesites.net rank 7 ( votes 136 )

http://best-rpg.com rank 8 ( votes 131 )

http://www.mmorpg100.com rank 10 ( votes 110 )

U still say it don't worth?!

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