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Forum: GW Newbies
Thread: How many gang members should I attack with?
Post by: Shalimar(257353)
2007-02-24 23:14:36
This is probably the biggest play question new players have once they figure out the basic rules, so I thought it might be easier to find if it had it's own thread title.

For unoccupied blocks, a good rule of thumb if you want to be safe is to take 2 novices for each 3 RES in the target block (rounded up) and 1 novice for each 1 COM or FPL. You can take fewer and be successful but the risk of loss increases.

For attacking blocks occupied by other gangs, it depends on how many defenders they have per block and what their defense retreat level is. I never have been able to state it clearly so hopefully someone else will add the guidelines below.

And remember to change your Attack Retreat Level to l0 before you attack, it can be the difference between winning and losing.
Post by: mob(23502)
2007-02-25 03:53:41
(double post)
Post by: mob(23502)
2007-02-25 03:54:17
(double post)
Post by: mob(23502)
2007-02-25 04:07:33
Shalimar your rule of thumb is excellent. Gangwar Tools' UBDC (Undefended Block Defense Calculator) suggests sending twice the defending force. Your rule sends just a little less (66 novices for 100 RES compared to UDBC's 68) so they are practically identical.

I will explain how UBDC calculates the novices to send and anyone can use the base result to formulate their own attacking force.


Given a block with:

57 RES
23 COM
20 FPL

Calculate total percentage:

57 + 23*1.5 + 20*1.5
= 121.5

Notice that the COM and FPL percentages are multiplied by 1.5, this is because they are defended by experienced members which are 1.5 times stronger than the novices guarding RES blocks.

Using the result, 121.5, you can use shalimar's rule of 2/3 or UBDC's Twice Is Nice (.68) to determine your attacking force, or use your own multiplier and figure out what you like best.


Shalimar: 121.5 * 2/3 = 81

UBDC : 121.5 * .68 = 82.62

Safe : 121.5 * .6 = 72.9

Risky: 121.5 * .5 =60.75

Crazy: 121.5 * .4 = 48.6

Round up or down as you wish.

Post by: mob(23502)
2007-02-25 06:21:58
Attacking blocks occupied by other gangs:

First and foremost you should not attack a gang unless you have explored them. You need to know how many defenders they have or you risk losing.

Step 1: Explore gang

Let us use the following as an example result of an explored gang. These results will be used for the calculations in the following steps.

693 Novice
900 Experienced
29 Master
5 Novice Enforcer
10 Attack Retreat Level
2 Defence Retreat Level

Total Blocks Controlled : 106
You control 5907 Residential, 681 Food plants, and 887 Commercial buildings.

Blocks: (34,47), (35,44), (35,46), (35,47), (35,48), (35,49), (35,50), (36,42), (36,45), (36,46), (36,47), (36,49), (36,50), (37,41), (37,43), (37,44), (37,45), (37,46), (37,50), (38,41), (38,43), (38,45), (39,41), (39,42), (39,43), (39,44), (39,45), (39,46), (39,47), (40,37), (40,38), (40,39), (40,40), (40,41), (40,42), (40,44), (40,46), (40,47), (40,49), (41,38), (41,41), (41,44), (41,45), (41,47), (41,48), (42,36), (42,37), (42,38), (42,41), (42,42), (42,44), (42,45), (42,50), (43,36), (43,41), (43,44), (43,46), (43,49), (44,33), (44,34), (44,35), (44,37), (44,40), (44,42), (44,45), (44,48), (45,34), (45,36), (45,40), (45,43), (45,44), (45,45), (45,46), (45,48), (46,37), (46,40), (46,42), (46,45), (46,47), (46,48), (46,49), (47,37), (47,40), (47,44), (47,48), (47,49), (48,36), (48,39), (48,44), (48,45), (48,46), (48,50), (49,39), (49,40), (49,41), (49,42), (49,46), (49,49), (49,50), (50,37), (50,38), (50,39), (50,42), (50,43), (50,45), (50,49)

Step 2: Determine their weight

Note: You can use the Gang Analyzer tool on the Gangwar Tools page to simplify step 2 and step 3.

Every gang member has a weight (you might call it strength). Novices have a weight of 20, Experienced have a weight of 30, and so on all the way up to Experienced Leaders with a weight of 90.

To determine the enemy gang's total "weight", use the following formula:

Weight = Nov*20 + Exp*30 + Mas*40 + NovEnf*50 + ExpEnf*60 + MasEnf*70 + NovLdr*80 + ExpLdr *90
Weight = 693*20 + 900*30 + 29*40 + 5*50
Weight = 42,270

Convert the "weight" into "novice weight" by dividing by 20. (20 is the weight of one novice).

novice weight = weight / 20
novice weight = 42,270 / 20
novice weight = 2,113.5

This tells you that the total strength of the gang is equal to 2,113.5 novices.

Step 3: Determine defenders per block

Divide the novice weight by the number of blocks that the gang controls:

defenders per block = novice weight / blocks controlled
defenders per block = 2,113.5 novices / 106 blocks
defenders per block = 19.93 novices per block

Step 4: Plot your attack path

We know from the calculation in Step 3 that we can expect the equivalent of 19.93 novices to be defending any given block. The problem is that any given block will have up to 7 adjacent defending blocks to assist in the defense. This means that you will potentially be fighting a defending force of the equivalent of 159 novices (8 blocks * 19.93 novices = 159.44). Unless you are signifigantly stronger than your enemy you want to attack blocks that have the least number of adjacent defenders.

For this step you will need a pencil and a piece of graph paper to map out the blocks controlled by the enemy gang. The coordinates of every block is provided in the Explore Gang results (Step 1). If you do not want to go through all that effort you can use the Mapper Tool on the Gangwar Tools page. The Mapper tool will generate a map for you. I will not provide instructions on how to use the Mapper tool here.

Once you have your map you can see which blocks have the least adjacent defenders and plan your attack path accordingly.

Step 5: Determine how many attackers to send

Given the block you plan on attacking and the number of adjacent defenders it has you have to determine how many attackers to send.

Lets say that you are attacking a block that has 2 adjacent defenders, for a total of 3 defending blocks.

defenders = 3 * 19.93
defenders = 59.79

Personally, I try to send 3 or 4 times the number of defenders.

3 * 59.79 = 179.37
4 * 59.79 = 239.16

You might get away with less. It depends on their Defense Retreat Level (determined in Step 1). A Defense Retreat Level of 2 means that the defenders will flee after suffering 20% casualties (12 novices in this case).


On a side note, you can use the 'weight' formula in Step 2 to determine:
- your own gang's defenders per block.
- how many novices you can send for X AP. See the 5 AP attack formula and some strategy thread or use the Gangwar Tools AP Calculator or Gang Anaylzer.
- How much your gang needs to be paid by dividing the weight by ten.
Post by: Shalimar(257353)
2007-02-25 06:22:28
I edited the first post to point out that I always round up, so it's 67 novices for 100 RES. Twice the defenders is probably slightly more effective in the long term, but the difference is never more than 1 extra novice and I can divide by 2/3rds in my head so it's quicker for me.
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