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Forum: GW General
Thread: Shortest Battle Ever
Post by: Nacho Man(328076)
2007-12-01 04:30:32
I am sort of ashamed to have fled so quickly, but I found it sort of funny.

Combat Round 1
Techies(9) scores 4 hits
0 is saved by armours
Block Defenders scores 6 hits
0 is saved by armours

Combat Ended
Techies(9) flees.
Block Defenders stays and gathers the loot.

Attacker promotions:
4 Novice

Defender promotions:
6 Novice
Post by: Nacho Man(328076)
2007-12-01 04:32:24
Then I went back and won.

Combat Round 1
Techies(9) scores 1 hits
0 is saved by armours
Block Defenders scores 3 hits
0 is saved by armours

Combat Round 2
Techies(9) scores 4 hits
0 is saved by armours
Block Defenders scores 4 hits
0 is saved by armours

Combat Round 3
Techies(9) scores 0 hits
0 is saved by armours
Block Defenders scores 3 hits
0 is saved by armours

Combat Round 4
Techies(9) scores 1 hits
0 is saved by armours
Block Defenders scores 2 hits
0 is saved by armours

Combat Ended
Techies(9) stays and gathers the loot.
Block Defenders flees.

From taking the block you gain :
3 new recruits
12 $
35 food
1 pistol
1 vest

Attacker promotions:
6 Novice

Defender promotions:
12 Novice
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