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Forum: SC Newbies
Thread: The you gotta do this to start thread
Post by: jddegraff(43958)
2005-06-17 04:39:23
mine 10-20 ap

build as many building plants as you can

mine 10-20 ap

build as many building plants as you can

mine 10-20 ap

build as many building plants as you can

mine 10-20 ap

do this till you have 20-40 building plants


mine 10-20 ap

build as many power plants and power storage as you can

do this till you have 20-30 pwr plants and 20-30pwr storage


mine 10-20 ap and build 67 SPACE PORTS, 9 COMMAND CENTERS(EDITED FOR ACCURACY) and 200 fighters. now go attack a 5-7 ap target, and good luck. now stop bugging me.

Post by: gatcholio(28366)
2005-06-19 05:02:48
you forgot the part about going to the forum and requesting a new colour button twenty times in five minutes. I think that goes before you build your power plants
Post by: philldodilldo(22259)
2005-06-19 14:16:57
so does saying stupid things.
Post by: sparkles(18049)
2005-06-24 22:02:37
noo thats wrong, u need to hit exilim down for 30aps to get a harvester.
Post by: Little Sister(34495)
2005-06-25 05:04:05

mine 10-20 ap and build 67 command centers, 9 fleet control and 200 fighters. now go attack a 5-7 ap target, and good luck. now stop bugging me."

I think you mean build 67 space ports, and 9 command centers, not 67 cc, that would bugger a 1st run real good LOL

Post by: jddegraff(43958)
2005-07-02 04:31:38
whoops.... i will fix it.
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