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Forum: VOW Development & Design
Thread: Marketing ideas
Post by: NinterX(106306)
2005-07-05 08:34:27
Ive posted this on the wrong board. I think here is more apropriate.

To get more money and get a bigger server.......why dont you change the donations cost and advantages? I dont know if you are the one who control this, but, for example:


3months = 19US( although there is only a diference of 2 dollars, the 19 seems much cheap then 21. its psichological....believe me)

6months = 35US would be better. In normal life people dont like to make math with numbers like 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 n 9. They prefer the 0 and the 5.(can you plz check out if the 6months contract isnt the one people get less? maybe not, but i wouldnt be surprised if so.)

12 months = 59US

10years!!! People look at this one thinking "will i play this game for 10 years?".....then they answer to themselves....."no". Then.....they dont get it. Make it 5 years.

Paying Wrestlers-2 Ap/10 minutes
Non-paying Wrestlers-1 Ap/10 minutes

This table is wrong. It should be:

Paying Wrestlers- 12 Ap/ 1 hour
Non-paying Wrestlers- 6 Ap/ 1 hour
Paying Wrestlers - 288 Ap/ 1 day
Non-paying Wrestlers- 144 Ap/ 1 day

Although is the same thing, it seems more. Specially the 12Ap/ 1 hour n 6 Ap/ 1 hour.

And you should put lower costs to get extra Ap. Or just put 2 000Ap for 29US dollars, like above.

And add the system "more 2 000 for more 15 dollars".

This means that:

30US = 2 000Ap
50US = 4 000Ap
65US = 6 000Ap - (70US - 5US)
80US = 8 000Ap
95US = 10 000Ap
110US = 12 000Ap
125US = 14 000Ap
140US = 16 000Ap
155US = 18 000Ap
170US = 20 000Ap
185US = 22 000Ap
200US = 24 000Ap
215US = 26 000Ap
230US = 28 000Ap
245US = 30 000Ap
260US = 32 000Ap(you were giving 40 000Ap for 250US!!!)

Put the table with the cost.People dont like math.
In this table the cost of Ap seems to drop geometrically.( 80US you get 8 000Ap,with 95US you get 10 000Ap and with 200Us you get 24 000Ap.WOW). People look at it and see "8.0-8(its normal)........9.5-10(wining)........20.0-24(wining a lot)

The true is that the cost drops aritmetically 15 dollars. So you shouldnt say " buy more 2 000 for 15 dollars"...just put the table there and let people get their conclusions. With the 20US dollars you cant do this, cuz the first number of the dollars is bigger then the Ap. Example: 70US-6 000Ap(7-6), 90US-8 000Ap(9-8). Got it?

You should also add an icon to the supporters profile. Just saying that they are supporters. In this way, when people check the profile of players, they can see if they are supporters or not. The most normal to happen is that the best players will be supporters, and people will think like "i can be so good as him if i donate", or " the only way to be as good as him is to donate",etc. but this Icon saying that the player is a suporter cant be in white words on a light blue background like the rest of the profile. The best would be to put it on Red, like when it appears the message "you have a Match".

People would at least think of donating.I bet most players never entered the Donation page to see the costs and advantages,etc.

And make sure that in the next Danish Referendum on joining the Euro currency, you vote YES!. Europeans then wouldnt have to bother about paying the cost of "money transfer" :)

This are just ideas.....ive had economics and marketing in the last school years(although now im on law school). One of the most important things we learn there is how to low the cost of products on people's mind..............without really lowering it.
Post by: Kueller(13231)
2005-07-05 21:08:28
nice... Peter should take a look at this - sounds plausible
Post by: Fangblast(13923)
2005-07-05 21:44:42
Maybe Peter could also consider being able to pay to have 3 wrestlers permanently. It really sucks having to lose your alts when your donation runs out.
Post by: insane clown(11577)
2005-07-05 22:11:11
yes it does :( RIP KOVOW
Post by: Brian Allan(45150)
2005-07-05 23:18:21
I like the one ap every ten mins system better myself. It's seems to be more convenient. Other than that everything else seems fine.
Post by: Crosson(37742)
2005-07-06 01:54:45
I don't get it....why do you keep telling us you are in law school? It really has no bearing on your opinion, except the fact you are telling us you are spending lots of money in good faith that you will earn it back someday (granted, most do the same by attending college, but to attend law school afterwards is increasing the amount paid out).

I do like your proposal about the changes in donation amounts / ap received.

However, it doesn't make any difference to me, as I won't be able to afford donating until i find a job... (college student)

I think the current 1 ap/10 min is fine. As Brian said, it is more convenient.

While adding some sort of designation for donators isn't a bad idea, it will add to the bandwidth being used at any given time. Which, of course, is the reason we (non-donators at least) get those, "Server load too high" messages.

And lastly, just a bit of a technical point. You seemed to go back and forth between using supporters and donators. While I agree that donators are definitely supporters, there are other ways to support without donating. I know in the past there were a couple contests (VOW guide and PLIT banners). There may have been more, but these are the only ones I remember. Plus, there are those who are mods for VOW, which are mostly (perhaps all) donators, but if I remember correctly, not all are donators.

Heck, even voting for VOW is being supportive. Helping VOW's ranking at those sites *should* have an effect on how many new people come and sign up to play. Or having a link to VOW on your personal website. There are tons of ways to be a supporter other than donating itself.

And yes, I have had economics in school as well. (CN student if you must)
Post by: NinterX(106306)
2005-07-06 03:49:00
"I don't get it....why do you keep telling us you are in law school? It really has no bearing on your opinion, except the fact you are telling us you are spending lots of money in good faith that you will earn it back someday (granted, most do the same by attending college, but to attend law school afterwards is increasing the amount paid out)"

Whatever Crosson. Just have it your way.

"However, it doesn't make any difference to me, as I won't be able to afford donating until i find a job... (college student)"

Same here. University costs are too high here in Portugal. Something thats not normal for an european country.

"While adding some sort of designation for donators isn't a bad idea, it will add to the bandwidth being used at any given time. Which, of course, is the reason we (non-donators at least) get those, "Server load too high" messages."

Even better. In that way people will start thinking about donating even more, in order to avoid the server loads. People with high internet conection find little problem in conecting with the servers. If bandwith goes up, and server loads start to hit them, they will think about donating.


Why dont you try the "refer" system?

Example: "You get 10ap for every person you refer and subscribe to this game. You get 100ap for every person you refer, that subscribe and donates"

Example of a "refer" system:

there is this game on the link

But, using the following link, when people subscribe to this game, the maker of the game will know who refered him.

Peter could learn more about this "refer" system. It can bring lots of people to the game, cuz VOW players will start to invite oother people, and post their links on other sites in order to get subscriptions, and in that way, more Ap.

It's publicity with no costs.
Post by: insane clown(11577)
2005-07-06 06:48:38
"Even better. In that way people will start thinking about donating even more, in order to avoid the server loads. People with high internet conection find little problem in conecting with the servers. If bandwith goes up, and server loads start to hit them, they will think about donating."

I donated for 12 months and spent alot of money i will never donate again no matter what messages jump on the screen its a rip off. We pay all this money and peter does nothing to update the game or get a bigger server.

"Whatever Crosson. Just have it your way."

And u wondered why people had a go at you

Post by: Crosson(37742)
2005-07-06 07:54:24
good explanation on how a referral works.

BUT, it has been shot down in the past. Referrals only encourage people to make multi's.

Even better? I disagree. For those of us like me (or KOVOW), who either can't or won't donate, getting the server load too high message more often is definitely NOT going to encourage me to donate any more. in fact, it is more likely to make me give up VOW. Which, at this point, with only around 80 more moves to retirement, would be a big waste. I've already detached a PWO once, I am not going to detach an SSWO and come back again. And if that happens, then any word of mouth referrals I give VOW will cease happening. I think VOW would lose a lot of traffic from people like me.

I was seriously not taking a stab at you. only at your post. but whatever, i will not start stabbing you personally.

i do want to commend you for trying to suggest improvements, but if I've learned anything during my time here, it would be: Changes to the game don't happen a lot, especially anything that would require a major update to the code.

There have been lots of suggestions that have been generally considered awesome ideas in the past. Very few of them have been added to the game.

Post by: NinterX(106306)
2005-07-07 00:23:14
I know that probably this ideas wont be used. But at least i let the ideas.

"Even better? I disagree. For those of us like me (or KOVOW), who either can't or won't donate, getting the server load too high message more often is definitely NOT going to encourage me to donate any more. in fact, it is more likely to make me give up VOW"

Some might leave, but the ones who join might donate. And anyway, without donations, people will continue coming till this server is completly full, and the same scenario will happen.

About the referral system i still believe its the best option. You just need a good control over it. Or put some rules to the referral. For example, you can only refer when you get to SPWA league. Knowing that if you are caught cheating, you get banned, few would want to loose it all after reaching SPWA.(because most cheaters are beginners who want the easy way).

Just an idea
Post by: Crosson(37742)
2005-07-07 02:34:01
i disagree about the beginners being the only ones who have multis, but, i guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Post by: FloriZeus(7923)
2005-07-07 18:08:22
We have heavy server load, and then you want us to receive ap based on how many people we get to join up.
Won't that entirely blow our server in the end.

We want less load, but more players. That does not go together does it?
Post by: Syrjis(80123)
2005-07-07 19:17:08
owned =)
Post by: NinterX(106306)
2005-07-07 20:06:21
"We want less load, but more players. That does not go together does it?"

No it doesnt go together. But people will continue to join anyway, and it will continue to grow. But server size will keep at the same.

.........WE can wait to see what happen. I still dont know whats that of "server loads" that you are talking about. I supose you arent able to conect to the server, when that happens, like in other server based games, but it still didnt happen to me.
Post by: missing(42183)
2005-07-09 19:20:58
itll happen to you. just wait.
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