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Forum: VOW Development & Design
Thread: New features for donators
Post by: Kueller(13231)
2006-01-26 02:25:10
Maybe this will get more people to start/keep donating:

1)custom entrance

In the match commentaries, we add a new field where the wrestlers' entrances get commented on.

Non-Donators: All get a one-sentance standard comment

Donators: Get a text field where they can describe their wrestler's entrance


Brian Allan makes his way to the ring
The lights in the arena go out, leaving
everything black. As "Until it Sleeps"
kicks in, a blue scorpion is projected
in the center of the ring. With a set
of explosions going off, Scorpion steps
into the arena and makes his way to the
ring under the deafening cheer of the

Scorpion makes a Scorpion Deathlock for 15 damage.
That's it! Brian Allen throws the towel!

Match Over: Scorpion wins by submission

2) Custom finishers

There are some moves which have an unusual
match commentary (eg the Superplex).

Why not give donators the possibility to write
a similar description for their finisher?
We all have the possibility to write a description
of our finishers atm, but they dont get displayed
in the match, so most people dont put anything
there except maybe a few pics that mostly people
dont give a damn about....

Now, for donators, you (Peter) could just add the
possibilty to write a real description of their
finishers. The only thing needed would be a PLITmcode
symbol so that the opponents name appears in the comment

eg. {opponent} = server inserts opponents name

Instead of "Scorpion makes a Venom for 30 damage"
it would say:
"As Brian Allan is lying helplessly on the mat,
Scorpion climps on the top turnbuckle. I think he
is going to try to finish this match with his feared
Venom. Scorpion waits a short moment while the audience cheers, then jumps... catching Brian Allan with the knee
on the back of the head, as the latter was about to
stand up. 30 damage!"

Post by: The Legend Killer(21778)
2006-01-26 04:26:10
Good idea Scorp. The entrance one I'm not keen on myself, but the special one could be good. It adds some originality to finishers rather than the same old thing over and over.
Post by: Brian Allan(45150)
2006-01-26 09:28:19
I like the ideas a lot. As you said, it would add that little extra incentive for people to donate. Oh, and thanks for using me as the example...


...bastard. :P
Post by: Kueller(13231)
2006-01-26 19:06:18
Post by: philldodilldo(22259)
2006-01-26 23:06:44
Post by: BubbaG(33460)
2006-01-27 02:21:16
The special move suggestion I agree would be a great addition.

The entrance I'm ambivalent about.

Oh and if you need anymore possible descriptive anecdotes involving Brian Allan being abused, let me know.
Post by: philldodilldo(22259)
2006-01-27 05:53:27
id like 10 please
Post by: Dinkus_Warrior(50201)
2006-01-28 03:28:31
I'll take 17 more
Post by: Marcs or Felix(120913)
2006-01-30 00:46:48
Great idea! i luv it! i think its brillian!
Post by: denzil(82151)
2006-03-06 00:00:58
some great ideas there. the entrance for some ppl is a big thing.
the finisher moves will be good too.

keep it up and i hope peter sees it too.
Post by: Wolverine(1)
2006-03-17 15:07:46
Sounds interesting :)

I am a bit pressed for time these days but will try to see what I can come up with by sunday.

Post by: The Sniper(27754)
2006-03-22 22:11:18
How would we do counters though. Just stick with "Sniper tries to make a Swanton Bomb. But {opponent} counters..."

Seems cool :)
Post by: ocelot(76)
2006-03-22 23:01:52
Yup, thats what ive thought for adding as a standard, but it would get me donating i guess

I especially like the finisher description

counters would be awesome too
Post by: sid(174589)
2006-05-08 11:54:26
How about they When you do you spec instead of putting pics into your description how about sowing pic or gif???
Post by: Deathlord(144339)
2006-05-08 18:49:20
too heavy for the engine

one good thing that last post did though .. was to bump the topic up... its a great idea if it can be implemented
Post by: SonOfOsiris(179197)
2006-05-14 06:53:39
if this is a petition i SIGN IT!
Post by: Marcs or Felix(120913)
2006-05-15 02:35:14
i did say(a long time ago) that i think its a good idea, and 2 months ago, peter said he'd try 2 implement it, jus wandering if u could give us an update on tha idea?
Post by: Deathlord(144339)
2006-06-02 19:13:16
Ding Dong

just bumping and hoping it catches attention again ? :)
Post by: Steve Blakman(192627)
2006-06-06 16:54:46
I think both ideas are great. Why do you all say that the entrance is no good? It's a little attention to detail, it would be fun, if you dont want to read it skip the page straight to the match.
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