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Forum: AF General
Thread: ...Frustrating...
Post by: Omen(10371)
2005-01-24 13:49:34
It tells me to reverify my email address for security reasons, so (like always) I checked my email to get the new activation code 18 hours ago, yet until now I still haven't received any. I changed my email address, but still I didn't receive anything on the new one. I also accept all mails, so I'm sure it should be there. I just want to log on to Adventure's Fame and go in an inn to be able to beat Zeus tomorrow! This really sucks! Grrr! I guess I'll be gone again from AF =o/

Post by: Infamous_Infants(23)
2005-01-24 15:18:28
Round 20
Ebola miss Zeus
Rex Manson hits Zeus for 24
Zeus hits GUD for 17
Lazarus Buttermilk hits Lou Zeffer for 16
Tengu Firegrass hits Zeus for 22
GUD miss Rex Manson
CAZARALI WOLFBANE hits Ebola for 15
Loki the Lewd miss GUD
Zeus goes down
Lou Zeffer goes down
Round 25
Ebola miss Loki the Lewd
Tengu Firegrass hits Ebola for 21
Loki the Lewd miss Tengu Firegrass
Ebola goes down
Round 26
Tengu Firegrass hits Loki the Lewd for 20
Loki the Lewd miss Tengu Firegrass
Loki the Lewd goes down
Tengu Firegrass WINS
:) hope you get you activation code soon!!
Post by: Omen(10371)
2005-01-25 01:04:19
Zeus went down first! Muaha ha haha! Thanks, II!

Post by: Infamous_Infants(23)
2005-01-25 02:23:57
Hmm now that I look at the results again…..

Tengu Firegrass hits Zeus for 22
Zeus goes down

Tengu Firegrass hits Ebola for 21
Ebola goes down

Tengu Firegrass hits Loki the Lewd for 20
Loki the Lewd goes down

Looks like we need 20 players more in GS1 to tiered Tengu down..

Post by: Infamous_Infants(23)
2005-01-25 03:01:52

Try this...

--Only one command every 3 seconds is allowed--

Now you cant even click Explore and then Attack without this message pop up...
Post by: FloriZeus(7923)
2005-01-25 05:14:53
II we need to talk to Peter, this cannot work.
Post by: Doug the Designer(55)
2005-01-25 11:39:55
I've informed him of the problem. This 3 second thing is a game-killer. I doubt anything more than 1 second would be viable, at least for AF, since I spend about an AP a second when I play.
Post by: gatcholio(28366)
2005-01-25 19:33:22
It is a great idea to cut down on server load. But to drop it from AF, you should drop it from all games. I check messages on VOW, etc, it takes 1 second just as AF does. Maybe keep the 3 for non donators. Donators shouldn't have to wait at all. Where's the 'priority access' in all this?
Post by: raynbow(16237)
2005-01-26 23:18:39
Yeah, this does not work on AF at ALL. With explore and attack being seperate commands, you just can't get anywhere.

I love AF, but I can't play it like this.
Post by: denzil(82151)
2005-05-19 22:21:29
Hi i am playing this game for the first time and i do not mide it at all. i am in the second town and i need to know witch things i should put up. in skills and stats. how do you enter the tourny. can you get killed as well. some tips would be great. i am getting sick of dogs. bears are the bigest if have seen.
Post by: Dalvian(38356)
2005-05-22 02:54:21
The manual index on the right hand side of your screen will tell you most of what you need to know.

1. Exploring will eventually open up new areas where you will do more than exterminate the local wildlife and minor goblinoids.

2. Tournaments are held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. All characters active within 24 hours are automatically in the tournament. To find the tournaments you have participated in click gladiator sports than click on "your gladiator sports" (or something to that effect)

3. Death in the tournament does not count as "real" death.

4. For guidance on skills check the manual index and the player pages. They will explain it better than I can.

Good luck and good hunting.
Post by: FloriZeus(7923)
2005-05-22 07:09:46
Correction, I believe all characters active 36 hours before glad sports are included

EDITED: Thanks Doug :)
Post by: Doug the Designer(55)
2005-05-22 10:08:04
I think it's 36.
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