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Forum: GW General
Thread: Legal Links
Post by: Wolverine(1)
2005-03-26 15:38:01
Since the number of links being posted in the chat and forum is on the rise, and since many are posting to illegal or questionable content, we are making a sticky post in several of the forums where links can be posted. In this way, all links will be in one place, so it will be easier for the mods to police their content. These locations will be the only place where links will be legal. Links posted on the forum outside of these sticky posts, or posted on the chat, are now considered illegal spam posts. We'll have a one-week breaking in period, where warnings only will be sent to violators (with the exception of clearly illegal links, which will be actionable as usual).
We thank you in advance for your cooperation with this new policy.

This is the thread you are allowed to post links in.
Make sure links comply with the policy:
- Must link back to the games
- Must mainly be about PLIT Games

Post by: mob(23502)
2005-04-23 06:11:29
TVG's Gangwar Tools

Developed by the Vercetti Gang to help you, the aspiring Gang Leader, get the information that will help you the most.

* Mapper: Can't visualize where events are taking place in the city? Tired of spending hours keeping your own map on graph paper? The Vercetti Gang feels for you. This tool will take your City Media and generate a colorful map detailing gang locations.

* Gang Analyzer: When given information on a gang (from explore gang) this tool will display everything you need to know.
* How many men they can send for 5, 10, 15, and 20 AP.
* What their next turn (average) will look like.
* What their average results will be for Recruiting, Running Drugs, and Robbing Food.
* How many defenders per block they have (including adjacents!) and how many men you need to kill before they flee.
* Plus a breakdown of their rankings list score.
In conjunction with the Mapper this tool will be your best friend.

* AP Calculator: Calculate AP useage based on the number of novice and experienced gang members you have and how many you want to send to control a block. Also displays a 5AP breakdown.

* Uncontrolled Block Defense Calculator (UBDC): Calculate how many defenders an uncontrolled block has. NEW! ► Displays what resources the block will generate.

* Turn Generator (UBDC): Enter some information about your gang and this tool will generate Best, Average, and Worst case scenarios of your next turn. If you are going to run out of cash you will be told how much you need to keep your gang happy.

* Top 10 Gangs: Not exactly a tool but it's cool!!

* Seach for your gang: Type in your gang's name and a list of all the games you've played, your scores, and totals will be displayed.

* Top Scores: Again, not a tool, but displays the highest scores for Money, Blocks, and Strength.

Screenshot - Feb 28, 2008

Post by: Kray(52284)
2005-04-23 10:48:35
You're programs are good and in my opinion should be used by GW to show where opponents are, they don't totally give the game away but they can help with the advancing or defence of groups in GW.
Post by: Battle(44805)
2005-04-23 23:07:16
ive been using the detailed ranking list for a while now - its very useful for planing your next attack.

Very useful indeed. Great work Vercetti

Homicidal Lemmings
Post by: 2 Crazy Krew(59676)
2005-11-25 08:32:34
Yeah TVG pwns. Too bad he quit. :(
Post by: mob(23502)
2005-11-28 06:54:53
The tools are still available though :-)
Post by: Raving Druids(21385)
2005-11-28 08:13:26
No one quits GangWar.

He just got scared is all

One too many horses heads at bed time ;-))
Post by: 2 Crazy Krew(59676)
2006-01-13 11:45:28
Well I remember when he quit he had been playing with the name phat frat prats, being owned by Yours Truly and bloodstones, Oh yeah, we were also pwning RD... Dont remember what else happened... but anyway, I blame RD for the time TVG quit. (-;
Post by: mob(23502)
2006-01-23 09:50:05
This used to be a link to TVG's Web Chat, but it no longer exists.
Post by: 2 Crazy Krew(59676)
2006-01-27 10:33:39
Post by: bear88(119403)
2007-01-29 08:19:27
Post by: mob(23502)
2008-02-28 02:31:05
Post by: suepahfly(59692)
2008-02-28 07:16:50
who's bum?
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