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Forum: VOW Development & Design
Thread: Offical VOW Tag Team Championship Title Belts?
Post by: Samuel Miles(38200)
2005-06-27 13:32:50
I know that alot of people have ask for tag team championship belts on VOW, but i have figured out a reasonable way to make it work!

Ok first of all you would click on enter tournament and then you would see a screen with your tag teams and you would have to type in one of the Tag Team ID's (Only with 2 people to a team) and then when you do that you have 2 days for you and your partner to accept it. (Ofcourse when signing your team up there will be a message sent to you and your partner to accept it with in 48 hours.) and when you and your Opponent accept it you bother pay off 200 Dollars or whatever. And the tournament has to have atleast 6 Teams to start the tournament or something?

LAW Tag Team Championship
SPWA Tag Team Championship
PWO Tag Team Championship
SSWO Tag Team Championship

I think its a good Idea but i dont know about everyone else
Post by: Crosson(37742)
2005-06-27 20:56:56
no not really.
Post by: The Legend Killer(21778)
2005-06-28 15:28:06
Been suggested before - simple answer: no.

What's to stop the top 2 exp wrestlers with all the moves tagging up and winnning most of the tourneys.
Post by: Kueller(13231)
2005-06-28 19:27:17
nothing, but thats not the problem - it really isnt.

If the 2 top-exp wrestlers team up, it wouldnt be different from singles tourneys (where the top-exp guy is also most likely to win)

The problem is: What happens if 2 wrestlers break up the tag team in the middle of the tourney?
Post by: Jaysen Chambers(46756)
2005-06-29 02:39:57
Theres nothing that reads the tag team's experience factors.. so yeah.. there couldn't be LAW, SPWA, PWO, and SSWO belts.. it would be one big mess..
Post by: Lokie(29796)
2005-06-30 14:57:40
too many problems could arise from that, either they place restrictions on forming tag teams

1 tag team per person and the tag team must only consist of yourself and another wrestler from your league or somethign like that.


Now a Hardcore Title would be cool, where wrestlers fight in tables, ladders, cages and LMS matches to determine who is the champ, Only Availible to those wishing to join the SPWA and SSWO Tourneys - High Cash, High Risk
Post by: Lincoln(27675)
2005-06-30 21:43:45
Or people being in multiple teams
Post by: gatcholio(28366)
2005-07-01 01:26:28
how about using combined team experience as the division seperation? Not that I think this idea could be implemented or will be (tag team idea, that is)


Now a Hardcore Title would be cool, where wrestlers fight in tables, ladders, cages and LMS matches to determine who is the champ, Only Availible to those wishing to join the SPWA and SSWO Tourneys - High Cash, High Risk

how would that work? would you fight a different match style each day? would that be random? would you fight each wrestler in each type of match?
Post by: rt savage(67696)
2005-07-16 11:28:26
Yeah Gatcholio, your idea is good, i was going to suggest something like that.
Post by: legendary wolf(38655)
2005-07-21 23:40:54
i actually think its quite a good idea, im the only one :(, as long as both members of the team or in teh same division, and if the tag breaks up they areout of the tournament,same as if u detach
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