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Forum: VOW Development & Design
Thread: W/L Stat Arrangement
Post by: Captain Stupendous(38517)
2005-06-23 01:46:40
This is just a very, very minor suggestion...

Why not group the Win/Loss stats together? The new match types as well as the tag matches have their respective W/L stats directly adjacent to one another, yet the old match types are still grouped as follows:

Win By Pin
Win By Submission
Win By Knockout
Win Cage
Win Ladder
Lose By Pin
Lose By Submission
Lose By Knockout
Lose Cage
Lose Ladder

Even then, the tag matches are inexplicably transposed:

Lose Tag
Win Tag

In my opinion, it would be easier to read like this (if only for the sake of consistency):

Win By Pin
Lose By Pin
Win By Submission
Lose By Submission
Win By Knockout
Lose By Knockout
Win Ladder
Lose Ladder
Win Table
Lose Table
Win Cage
Lose Cage
Lose LMS
Win Tag
Lose Tag

Again, this is only a suggestion that confronts a very minor problem, but it's something that bugs every now and then.

-Captain Stupendous
Post by: Captain Stupendous(38517)
2005-06-23 12:55:12
*bugs ME
Post by: Limerick(56750)
2005-06-24 03:43:15
actually, it would be much better if only your wins were shown...no annoying defeats, no record, it never happened! Everyones a winner! ;-)
Post by: The Legend Killer(21778)
2005-06-24 05:00:04
UNLESS - you are a 0 exp wrestler or have never won :P Imagine a legend that NEVER won a fight :)
Post by: Lincoln(27675)
2005-06-26 10:37:01
That gives me an idea LK... nah, bugger it.

Anyways, I reckon it would be a reasonable idea.
Post by: The Legend Killer(21778)
2005-06-26 16:59:13
Gatch and myself were thinking that maybe someone who donates should have an alt that only fights the top fame guys (usually jobbing to them), and see how long it takes to retire :)
Post by: gatcholio(28366)
2005-06-26 21:25:27
no staff LMS with only keeping up your con and vital life. :)
Post by: lazy(27024)
2005-06-27 04:50:07
you'd die, but I'd do it. I'd job to all the legends with 50 con, but you have to buy moves and may get lucky once......
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