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Forum: VOW Development & Design
Thread: table idea
Post by: Dic manea(145328)
2005-12-30 19:58:03
i think with table matches it should have moves like chokeslam or powerbomb smash the table instead of having jbl puts some noob ontop of the table. This time he is really going for it. He lifts him up..SLAM! RIGHT THROUGH THE TABLE
Post by: white_tiger(135925)
2005-12-31 07:49:41
Yea thats an alright idea, but think how much more work wud be needed... cos aerialists would want like moonsault through table aswell...
Post by: Matt Hardy(156824)
2005-12-31 14:18:49
yer would be good also and with some moves you could counter them and the opponet would go through the insted
Post by: Version 1(26732)
2005-12-31 20:14:08
Go away poser!
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